It is time to revisit the issue of PUBLIUS who, as the evidence will show, is a local low-rent, third-rate, low-life, ambulance-chasing, bottom-feeding SCUMBAG ATTORNEY who has sent numerous offensive email messages to this blog.
The blogger intends to present a number of these messages over the next few posts, which will present insight into the depravity of this low-life degenerate who has hidden behind a series of pseudonyms because, although a consummate bully, lacks the intestinal fortitude or testicular courage of a blowfly maggot.
Presented below is one such message from this low-life, who identifies himself as PUBLIUS, and to whom the blogger refers as PUBICUS, for obvious reasons. The primary fact to consider is that, although PUBICUS signs his message using the alias "PUBLIUS," the message header identifies the sender as "STEVE MARTINEZ-JOHNSON," one of the followers of this blog.
What can be concluded from this message is that PUBICUS has used both of the aliases "PUBLIUS" and "STEVE MARTINEZ-JOHNSON," AND IS ONE-IN THE SAME DIRTBALL.
Readers will also take note that PUBICUS wants to "LET THE HEAT DIE DOWN" generated by the information presented at this blog. That, of course, is the first clue as to the true identity of the LOW-LIFE SCUMBAG WHO REFERS TO HIMSELF AS "PUBLIUS."
Readers will also note that PUBICUS is no rocket scientist, since he spelled "controversy" as "CONTROVERSEY." This goof just cannot spell, which is why he should spend more time studying the current edition of SPELLING FOR DUMMIES.
Burying the hatchet
Click to teach Gmail this conversation is important.
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To the Medina Corruption Blog:
I think its time you spent time away from your blog, and focused on other matters. Your recent rants which we flagged away on Craigslist were very ALL CAPS, and that has made us worry about your mental stability. Therefore I am asking you to let the heat die down by suspending your blog, after which I will email the county to not take action against you. This will continue for a period of a couple months, and afterwards you will have the option of deleting the blog permanently or limiting blog discussion to matters of opinion or proven controversey. Reply in 3 days.
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