I am perplexed about the apparent lack of ability of judge "COLLIER" to read with comprehension and make a decision based upon what he has just purportedly read.
Take, for example, the issue of legal briefs.
Competent lawyers research the case law and write legal briefs, advancing their legal arguments supported by the case law.
If you check any of the cases assigned to "COLLIER," you will find that assistant county prosecutor SCOTT SALISBURY aka SLEAZEBURY does not write any legal briefs. That simple fact can be verified by simply scanning the dockets of various cases assigned to "COLLIER" at the website of the
Medina County Clerk of Courts, found at http://www.co.medina.oh.us/clerk/clrkhome.htm
That fact alone is sufficient evidence to know that "COLLIER"is corrupt and that SLEAZEBURY can rely upon the "judge" to rule in his favor without due regard for the law.
Nevertheless, defense attorneys do write legal briefs and file them for consideration by "COLLIER." Even though defense attorneys file such briefs, "COLLIER" apparently gives them no thought and consideration, if he reads them at all (which is highly doubtful), when he denies defense motions and consistently rules in favor of SLEAZEBURY, notwithstanding the law.
Based upon this fact alone, I have concluded that, given his intellectual capabilities, the only briefs "COLLIER" actually reads are labeled "JOCKEY."
It is time to expose the grime and corruption at the Medina County courthouse to the light of day. We want to hear the horror stories of YOUR encounters with Medina County judges and prosecutors. Your identity will remain confidential! Email us at Medina.Corruption@gmail.com PLEASE MAKE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND NEIGHBORS AWARE OF THIS BLOG. YOUR FREEDOMS HANG IN THE BALANCE! ANY OBSCENE AND OBJECTIONABLE LANGUAGE DISPLAYED HERE LIKELY ORIGINATED WITH ILLEGITIMATE LAPDOG jUDGE COLLIER.
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