I thought, just to break the monotony of dealing with the grime and corruption in the Medina County courts, for at least a moment, it might be interesting to pose this intriguing riddle.
Question: What follows the Medina County Prosecutor around the courthouse on all fours, licks his shoes, begs, whines, and rolls over on Command?
What, a dog you say? Definitely not! See the answer below.
Answer: Medina County judge CHRISTOPHER COLLIER!
It is time to expose the grime and corruption at the Medina County courthouse to the light of day. We want to hear the horror stories of YOUR encounters with Medina County judges and prosecutors. Your identity will remain confidential! Email us at Medina.Corruption@gmail.com PLEASE MAKE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND NEIGHBORS AWARE OF THIS BLOG. YOUR FREEDOMS HANG IN THE BALANCE! ANY OBSCENE AND OBJECTIONABLE LANGUAGE DISPLAYED HERE LIKELY ORIGINATED WITH ILLEGITIMATE LAPDOG jUDGE COLLIER.
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