Monday, December 6, 2010


It would seem, based upon this anonymous posting at Craig's List, that there may very well be more than the few snakes, listed at this blog, slithering around the halls of the Medina County Courthouse & Railroad Station.

Here's another to add to the list!

So I guess that SALISBURY approves of these actions that's why he (flagged it)

Date: 2010-11-27, 12:23PM EST

Yeah you have to love the Medina Domestic Relations Court and one of the most corrupt and discriminatory judges ever, Judge Mary Kovack. Currently there is a group of lawyers and others in the legal field who are bringing this judge before the state judiciary committee for her actions. Charges and accusations of bribery and kickbacks from both the CSS system and trial lawyers. Actually telling the Guardian Ad Litems what to write in their reports to put the mothers in the best of all possible lights. Even mothers who are known to be outright negligent of their children, confirmed drug users, etc...but turns around and writes outright lies about the fathers to make them into the worst possible choice to be the custodial parent. Also allowing mothers to come into her courtroom, commit actual, known perjured statements to obtain restraining orders. Even with the police department officers and real witnesses who are totally above board standing up for the father, yet still the restraining orders are granted.

Then you have her "deadbeat dad" crusade. She goes hard after "deadbeat dads" even throwing them into jail and putting them up on UTube in videos. Yet let one in a million custodial father to file a complaint against a "deadbeat mom" and this judge will tell the father to grow up and stop persecuting the innocent mother. This judge will take away a "deadbeat dad's" drivers license, occupational license, attach their pay, their income tax, everything she can to make this horrible "deadbeat dad" to pay up, but barely even gives a slap on the wrist to a "deadbeat mom". Funny thing is, according to statistics, there are actually five times more "deadbeat moms" than there are "deadbeat dads". Matter of fact, there are more "deadbeat moms" who are in total default for not paying one single dime of child support than there are fathers. YET this judge, Mary Kovack will do nothing to the deadbeat mom's only the dads.

You also have her attacks against her own ex-husband. This man was serving in Iraq when she went and pulled a Murphy on him. He did not even know she was divorcing him and taking away the children from him. She even had a crony on the bench helping her out in this kidnapping of this soldier who did nothing wrong but was actually putting his life on the line each and every day for us and our freedoms. She totally ruined this man. Then when her crony buddy on the bench got done, they put this soldier deep into poverty by illegally counting pay that is not allowed to be counted under FEDERAL LAW, but got away with it because she and her buddy are judges and they can do whatever they wish to do.

You also have her incredible abuse of the restraining order laws. Many, many cases where this judge accepted well known perjured testimony by the mother to grant her a restraining order. This is literal kidnapping of the children by default through the abuse of these restraining order laws. If she knows that a mother would not win custody of the children through the regular means of the system, then she allows the mother to win by contrition and abuse of the restraining order laws.

Yes, Judge Mary Kovack of the Medina Domestic Relations Court, one of the most corrupt, evil judges, a true man hater and child hater.....only there for the mothers, no matter how much her campaign slogan shouts I put families and children first. Well hopefully when the Judiciary Committee is done with this judge, she will not be able to be elected to a dog catcher position.




  1. See, she was opposite with me. My ex had numerous drug charges, didn't do anything she told him to, yet made me look like the idiot. Regardless, she is not all for the children. She needs to be kicked out of office. And as soon as possible.

  2. Judge Mary R. Kovach is one of Medina County Courts most corrupt, discriminating, Conspiring, vile, wicked, evil, unfair judges who not only has way too much undeserving power over men and citizens of Medina County, abuses her power in trusted by we the people and it's about time someone gets the balls to run against her or to be truthful she should be impeached for the crimes she has committed against so many people, including myself, in which she has abused her powers over others and " Under Color of Law " she has victimized and violated so many Men's " CIVIL RIGHTS, as well as certain others! I personally know this to be true because I have been " VICTIMIZED " , Discriminated, Conspired Against, AND " UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW MY CIVIL RIGHTS WAS VIOLATED " by this evil BITCH for NOTHING I DID WRONG! Got caught up in a conspiracy collision with my ex wife, Rick Roush Honda and there then CORPORATE ATTORNEY, but now JUDGE KEVIN DUNN, the Brunswick Police DEPARTMENT, in which FAVORITISM WAS GIVEN TO MY EX-WIFE, RICK ROUSH, WHO HAD HIS CORPORATE ATTORNEY KEVIN DUNN REPRESENT HOLLY SHREFLER AS A FAVOR TO HIM, AND then FAVORITISM GRANTED TO ATTORNEY, KEVIN DUNN, while still in private Practice, a Corporate Attorney, Assistant County Prosecutor, BY MAGISTRATE KIMBERLY L. OLIVER, by JUDGE MARY R. KOVACH, AND RETIRED JUDGE DAVID BASINSKI WHO SHOULD REMAIN RETIRED! I am the victim of Domestic Violence committed against me by, ex wife, Holly Shrefler, who got away with perjury, filing false charges against an innocent person, theft of my agreed on personal and marital property, money, home, and almost everything I owned by using the CPO LAWS like a weapon, educated and instructed my ex wife to do so by then ATTORNEY KEVIN DUNN,the BRUNSWICK POLICE DEPARTMENT, while the courts and police done nothing! My , " UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW " CIVIL RIGHTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED, BEEN DISCRIMINATED, CONSPIRED AGAINST, VICTIMIZED WITH FALSE CHARGES AND ILLEGAL CONVICTIONS, BECAUSE OF THAT PISS POOR OF AN EXCUSE FOR JUDGE, MARY R. KOVACH, WHO SHOULD BE IMPEACHED AND CHARGED FOR HER CRIMES AGAINST MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE! WE DEFINITELY NEED CHANGE IN THE MEDINA COURTS AND REMOVE THE CRIMINALS AND THUGS WHO STRONG ARMS AND BULLIT'S so many people! TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE! OUT WITH THE CORRUPTION AND IN WITH TRYING NEW BLOOD! I AM THE VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND CONTINUOUSLY PERMITTED FALSE CPO'SITUATION which totally destroyed and damaged my life in everyway imaginable, mentally, emotionally, socially, physically, financiallyou and I CANNOT FIND A EXCELLENT ATTORNEY WITH THE BALLS, BRASS, OR GUTS TO FILE SUITE AGAINST ALL THESE ASSHOLES RESPONSIBLE AND MAKE THEM PAY ME DAMAGES! TOO MANY CORRUPT AND SCANDALOUS ATTORNEYS OUT THERE SLEEPING UNDER THE SHEETS WITH THE JUDGES, MAGISTRATE'S, COURT OFFICIALS, and POLICE!
