Wednesday, August 17, 2011


"Do you remember me?  Do you remember my son? she screamed again. "He's gone," she cried, "He shot himself in the heart, YOU SCUMBAG!"

Those agonizing words came from the mother of a young man unlawfully sent to a youth detention center in Pennsylvania by a corrupt judge like LAPDOG COLLIER, solely for the purpose of lining his own pockets with kickbacks from the owners of the privately owned and run detention facility.

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania judge Mark Ciavarella was found guilty at trial in U.S. District Court on 12 counts of racketeering (RICO) and fraud charges.

To regular readers of this blog, this must certainly seem eerily similar, since this blogger predicted that the U.S. Attorney could easily charge LAPDOG COLLIER, CORRUPT MEDINA PROSECUTOR DINO HOLMAN, and SCOTT SALISBURY, THE PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, with racketeering charges.

Readers may easily reference that prediction in a prior post at this blog, captioned THE MEDINA COURT SYSTEM: A RACKETEER INFLUENCED CORRUPT ORGANIZATION, 
found at

Readers may also wish to review another post, captioned AN ALTERNATIVE THEORY UPON WHICH TO PROSECUTE CORRUPT PUBLIC OFFICIALS, found at

It is interesting to note that Federal Prosecutors in Pennsylvania followed a course of prosecution of the corrupt Pennsylvania judge as precisely set out at this blog some while ago.

Ultimately, corrupt Pennsylvania judge Mark Ciavarella was sentenced to 28 years in the United States Penitentiary.

A CNN news article detailing the plight of Ciavarella can be found at

With Ciavarella sent down the river for 28 years, that is just one more "scumbag" judge gone.

The only question now remaining is just how much time "scumbag" judge, LAPDOG COLLIER, THE VILLAGE IDIOT AND TOWN WHORE, will receive for very similar unlawful conduct.


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