Wednesday, November 6, 2013


In relatively recent months, the blogger has been receiving email messages purporting to provide "informative" newsletters from MEDINA COURT NEWS.  While exploring the website of this endeavor, the blogger came across the mission statement  of this enterprise which disingenuously claims to inform Medina County Citizens as to just what's shaking in the Medina County Courts.

The MEDINA COURT NEWS seems, in reality, to be nothing more than one more organ of the Chamber of Commerce, offering no more than the reheated "news" found in the Medina Gasette.

Shown below is the masthead of the Medina Court News, which does nothing more than pander the hype that THE BOOBS AT THE MEDINA COUNTY COURTHOUSE, MOSQUE & RAILROAD STATION VOMIT AS IF THEY ARE SERVING THE PUBLIC, RATHER THAN THEIR OWN NEFARIOUS ENDS:


The blogger decided to test the editorial integrity of the MEDINA COURT NEWS.  Therefore, the blogger sent to following email missive to the MEDINA COURT NEWS to determine whether or not this enterprise is truly devoted to informing Medina County residents as to what's really happening in the Medina County Courts.

Shown below is the email that the blogger sent to the MEDINA COURT NEWS:


In that your Mission Statement provides that you are dedicated to informing the citizens of Medina County as to what is going on in the Medina County courts, I am attaching two recent cases, heard in the Medina County Court of Common Pleas, in which the Ninth District Court of Appeals has reversed convictions based upon PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT.  I'll bet that Holman hasn't brought these to your attention.  You may contact me, if you wish, for further information regarding the recurrent PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT by Holman's Office and Judge Collier, who has deliberately altered trial transcripts with the intent of depriving Appellants fair hearings on appeal.

The response from the MEDINA COURT NEWS, dedicated to informing Medina County Citizens what is happening in the Medina County courts?  COMPLETE SILENCE, NOTHING, ZIP, NADA!

So much for the editorial integrity of the MEDINA COURT NEWS, particularly in that the blogger sent along with the above email message two .pdf files containing the complete decisions of the Ninth District Court of Appeals, overturning convictions of two appellants on the basis of PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT.

The one bright spot in all of this is that the MEDINA COURT NEWS has removed the blogger from their email list, thus eliminating one more email that the blogger has to send to the TRASH, where the newsletters from the MEDINA COURT NEWS rightfully belong. ‏

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