Friday, March 20, 2015


As regular readers of this blog are by now aware, the legal career of ILLEGITIMATE "JUDGE" LAPDOG "PUBLIUS" COLLIER is about to crash and burn. LAPDOG'S unlawful conduct, arising in part from his SORDID LONGSTANDING SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS COURT REPORTER, MISTRESS, AND MAIN SQUEEZE DONNA "HAVE IT YOUR WAY" GARRITY HAS BEEN EXPOSED TO THE LIGHT OF DAY. That, of course, presents somewhat of a conundrum to LAPDOG COLLIER.  Just what will he do after he finishes his prison sentence?

Alas, there is hope for the future for LAPDOG COLLIER, for whom there is potential for life after prison.

Rosie Palm(e) and her five sisters have been in contact with the Pentagon and have recommended LAPDOG COLLIER for future employment as a JAGOFF in Washington, D.C.  It is questionable that Washington needs even more JAGOFFS, as if there weren't already enough JAGOFFS in the nation's capitol.

It is unknown whether Rosie Palm(e) and her five sisters are related to DINO HOEMAN'S "undercover" investigator Chris Palm(e) [known to the general public as Fred Wolk] who has been placed by CORRUPT COUNTY PROSECUTOR DINO HOEMAN in the Medina County Jail to unlawfully elicit information from inmates housed in the Medina County Jail, thus violating the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendment protections of inmates awaiting trial.

The United States military is looking for low-rent, bottom-feeding, third-rate lawyers to represent terror suspects in courts martial, both Al Qaeda terrorists being held in Guantanamo Bay and those ISIS terrorists who may be captured in Syria and Iraq.  That's where LAPDOG COLLIER fits into the grand scheme of things. If accepted into the program, almost a certainty, he will be inducted into the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps as an Officer (OFF), hence the term JAGOFF.

Military investigators have quietly gone about conducting a background and suitability investigation to determine whether LAPDOG COLLIER qualifies for a position as a JAGOFF.  Rumor has been circulating that, based in preliminary results, Pentagon brass already consider LAPDOG COLLIER to possess all the requisite characteristics that would make him a FIRST CLASS JAGOFF (as if we didn't already know it).

Military investigators have interviewed attorneys outside of Medina County who have had the misfortune to appear before Illegitimate "judge" LAPDOG "PUBLIUS" COLLIER in his KANGAROO COURTROOM #1.  Their opinions were unanimous, one of whom stated, "COLLIER acted like a JAGOFF in and out of court throughout the entire trial."

Those same investigators likewise interviewed a number of the members of the Medina County Bar and Pickpocket Association, finding that a number of those interviewed likewise appeared to have all the requisite requirements to qualify as JAGOFFS as well, particularly members of the Medina County Bar & Pickpocket Association's grievance committee.

In fact, retired "judge" RICHARD (the) "DICK" MARKUS was recognized as a renowned JAGOFF  in Northeast Ohio long before he was awarded the honorary title of CHIEF AMONG MORONS by a local Native American tribe.

Moreover, the blogger has witnessed trials conducted by both ILLEGITIMATE "JUDGE" LAPDOG "PUBLIUS" COLLIER and RICHARD (the) "DICK" MARKUS and can assure  readers that both are COMPLETE AND TOTAL JAGOFFS WITH NO SOCIALLY REDEEMING VALUE.

Military investigators even went so far as to interview inmates at Ohio State prisons who have been wrongly convicted and had their trial transcripts deliberately altered by LAPDOG COLLIER and his MISTRESS and MAIN SQUEEZE DONNA "HAVE IT YOUR WAY" GARRITY.  One of the wrongly convicted inmates said it best, "That Collier is definitely a real JAGOFF!"

The one sticking point in LAPDOG COLLIER'S background is his longstanding, sordid sexual relationship with his court reporter, mistress, and main squeeze  DONNA "HAVE IT YOUR WAY" GARRITY, raising concerns that he may very well turn out to be an UNRELIABLE JAGOFF.

The fears of the investigators were allayed, however, following their interview of CORRUPT MEDINA COUNTY PROSECUTOR DINO HOEMAN.  HOEMAN is reported to have told investigators, "You can definitely count on Collier to follow orders.  He does everything we tell him to do, no matter how illegal, without fail. You could not find any better qualified candidate for the position of JAGOFF than Collier.  He acts like a complete JAGOFF around the courthouse each and every day."

Of course HOEMAN is no slacker either.  Rumor has it that he has long been considered to be a FLAMING JAGOFF by local citizens, even though there is no evidence he ever served in the military

The final suitability report has been written and submitted to the Pentagon. Consideration of LAPDOG COLLIER'S nomination has been put on hold, however, until legal matters pertaining to his manifold violations of law have been properly addressed and redressed.  That, of course, may take some years, even with time off for good behavior.

Ultimately LAPDOG COLLIER may have a future that is not completely bleak after he is removed from the bench and disbarred by the Ohio Supreme Court.  In fact, he has the potential to excel and one day earn the title of JAGOFF OF THE YEAR.

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