Sunday, November 21, 2010


As the readers of this blog well know, I have posted to Craig's List to expose the public corruption in the court system of Medina County, to include both prosecutors and judges.

On this very night, assistant Medina County prosecutor SCOTT SALISBURY a/k/a SLEAZEBURY (for obvious reasons) posted the pictured message on Craig's List in response to my post.

I infer this, with good basis, because SLEAZEBURY has a reputation for the use of such language when confronting women and shackled defendants in the courtroom of judge COLLIER in Medina County court.

I have seen people like this before, who have no problem bullying defenseless women and shackled defendants, but lack the testosterone to engage in such uncivil behavior in public for, in the real world outside the Medina County courthouse, he'd quickly have his clock cleaned.  In sum, just a coward and a bully!

In fact, with his attitude, I believe that, if dropped at the intersection of East 79 and Kinsman at 2:00 am, SLEAZEBURY would be hot-footing it toward the Fourth District Police Station in his skivvies within two blocks.

As you can see from the pictured message below, SLEAZEBURY doesn't like being exposed for what he is!  It seems as though the public exposure is getting under his skin.  SLEAZEBURY is a good example of the caliber of individuals who daily deprive citizens of their constitutional rights in the Medina County court system.  Certainly county prosecutor DEAN HOLMAN MUST BE PROUD OF HIS PROTEGE!

You will note that the spelling his atrocious and he has to get to bed early to prepare for another strenuous day of issuing orders and instructions to judge COLLIER in court tomorrow!

In reality, SLEAZEBURY and his cohorts are the ones who should and will leave Medina following a criminal probe of the Medina County criminal injustice system by competent Federal investigators.

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