Friday, November 5, 2010


I have recently spoken with an individual called to jury service in judge COLLIER's courtroom.  According to the potential juror, COLLIER attempted to "warm up" the jury in a manner reminiscent of that kiddie T.V. show, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

In the course of the "warm up" COLLIER related a personal anecdote which goes right to the essence of his qualifications as a judge in the Medina County Court of Common Pleas.

According to the juror, COLLIER related that he had been more or less a "C" student in school. My best guess is that he was probably less a "C" student than more.

COLLIER then went on to exclaim that "they" said he would never amount to anything.  But, look at him now, a real judge with a real courtroom.

I've got some surprising news for COLLIER, "THEY" WERE RIGHT!

It's quite surprising that COLLIER could have gotten through law school, at least without cheating.

Of course, we all now know how he keeps his uncontested throne on the bench of the Medina County Court of Common Pleas, and it's definitely NOT because of his intelligence, honesty, or integrity!

As someone literate in computer sciences would say, "Garbage in, garbage out!"


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